VCAA Plain English Speaking Award

PESA is a public-speaking competition for students aged 15-18 years. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to build self-confidence and extend their skills in oral communication, speech writing and research.

The competition encourages students from government, Catholic and independent schools to speak to their peers from other schools on topics they are passionate about.

In Australia, each year, state and territory committees organise and conduct competitions at school, regional and state levels. State winners then go to the national final, which is held in the various states and territories on a rotational basis.

This year, Zahra Al-Saabary and Kawsar Dirie from year 11, participated in this event. They competed against Ilim College and Hume Secondary in both a prepared speech and impromptu speech. It was a fantastic achievement for both of them, especially Zahra who will not be going to the state final. Congratulations on all your achievements.

Jenny Li
English and Debating and Public Speaking Teacher